2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse v7.0

2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Cisco Finesse Gadgets New Release PCCE UCCE UCCX

by 2Ring · Jul 31, 2023

Sacramento, CA – 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse (GA) v7.0 is available as of today. Click here (opens a demo form in a new browser tab) to request a demo session.

What’s New in Gadgets 7.0?

  • All native parts of the solution run on Linux. Windows nodes are no longer needed. This also means that this release comes with a brand new deployment app, enhanced High Availability (HA) handling, and more efficient performance management.
    • Dashboards & Wallboards Integration rewritten as a microservice
    • SMTP integration rewritten as a microservice
    • ServicesConfig rewritten as a microservice
    • Static resources are served from an nginx server microservice
    • MS Teams integration uses Credential Store microservice
    • RabbitMQ replaced with an ultrathin fan out service
    • Kubernetes 1.27 support
    • Skilling Scheduling has been optimized to use less resources.
  • NEW vpn-less configuration for UCCE 12.6 ES03 and above is now supported (UCCX 12.5 SU2 and above is supported as well)
  • Call Picking (UCCX only) enables fully colored tabs and rows in the list of queued – parked calls:
Call Picking (UCCX only
  • Dialog Gadget
    • Contacts app can have multiple columns configured in the list, enabling a lot of more information to be displayed/listed in the initial list of search results – very helpful when the same phone number happens to be associated with multiple accounts:
    • The Dialog variable section can now automatically save variables and so in this piece the agent doesn’t need to press save every time they make a change to an editable variable.
    • Extend functionality of the chat transcript summary to Interaction summary -> all dialog types can be exported to a pdf document. Here is an example showing export of call interaction details to a pdf.
  • Browser Extension – displays browser notification when browser extension disconnects from Cisco Finesse – for example, when an agent is logged out from Finesse after a long period of inactivity:
View of Browser Extension
  • Softphones – calling context section in softphone can now be collapsed/expanded instead of showing data on hover:
Softphone in 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse
  • Bug Fixes 
    • Fix Socket.IO security issue
    • Fix Security issue when shared refresh token is returned to Finesse agents when using Shared Identity for Salesforce or MS Dynamics
    • Fix state change authorization
    • Fix ServiceNow issue with base query
    • Fix Softphones event data
    • Fix login to connected system for Chrome 114
  • Have You Missed Previous Product Updates?
    • 6.3 Release Notes – add multiple notes to a single interaction (notes can be added even after an interaction has concluded), enhanced security model in skilling, and improved support for HA of Call Picking.
    • 6.2 Release Notes – added audit log for skilling, export of UCCX chat transcripts to PDF, team-based customer journey app, enabled use of button sets in 2Ring Toolbar Gadget (and in 2Ring Soft Phones),  and many more usability enhancements.
    • 6.1 Release Notes – support for Linux Red Hat, VPN Less Mode for UCCE 12.6, displaying presence information from Microsoft Teams, and enables reoccurring skilling changes on agent level.
    • 5.3 Release Notes – significantly enhancing 2Ring CTI Integrations with Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce and Service Now
    • 5.2 Release Notes – added multiple 2Ring Skilling tools to Cisco Finesse
    • 5.1 Release Notes – introduced customer journey, a CRM independent storage of all customer interactions.

Also check out updates on 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards here:

  • 9.1 Release Notes – add support for upgrading from older releases, BU admin can impersonate specific users, audio and pdf file management, and a new Webex contact center centric layout theme.
  • 9.0 Release Notes – real time interactive sorting and filtering, linking segments to a different layout (drilldowns), personalized layouts, sliding interval periods in timeline charts, upload data using csv files, enhanced themes, and so much more.
  • Cisco Finesse Connector – a brand new connector for customers with UCCX/UCCE/PCCE and Webex Contact Center Enterprise. Adding this connector enables almost instant updates to agent state (incl. time in state, reason code, pending states, and more).

What’s Next?

There is a lot to look forward to, so stay tuned by connecting with us and signing up to our RSS channel, or by following us on social media – LinkedInX, Threads, and Instagram.

Image of graphic used to denote press release.