What’s new in 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v4.2.1? New Features:

  • Audible alert for KPI when KPI transitions into a bad value threshold
  • New and nicer login screen for the WEB Client
  • Added Grid and WEB Client tiles to favorites on the home screen of the CONFIGURATION Tool
  • External image content type now supported in WEB Client

Bugs Fixed

  • Desktop Client not respecting aspect ratio when in borderless mode
  • Refresh interval for web content type in WEB Client

What’s new in 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards – UCCE Connector v4.2 (compatible with all 4.2.* components)? New Features:

  • New Indicators
    • Calls – Redirected On No Answer for Precision Queues
    • Calls – Longest Waiting for Precision Queues
    • Calls – In Queue for Precision Queues
  • New Columns for AgentStates Grid
    • Redirected On No Answer

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed failing of dbo.OptimizeIndexes stored procedure when connector installed under integrated security.
Image of graphic used to denote press release.