What’s new in 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v4.2? New Features include:

  • Removed Silverlight requirement for Clients. All KPIs are now html.
  • Presentation types are alphanumeric, semaphore, circle, semi circle
  • Removed font size property for KPI in value styles
  • Renamed Styles entity to Presentation Types
  • UCCX Specific
    • Added Grid calculations: Agent States and CSQs-Statistics (Queue Statistics)
    • Added new KPIs: Longest wait time today, Longest talk time today, Average wait time today, Average talk time today
    • Renamed KPI Longest Waiting to Longest Waiting Now

Bugs Fixed

  • Changed display formats to meaningful names
  • Changed behavior of image and scroll text when banner is small
  • Fixed URL encoding in WEB Client and DESKTOP Client for retrieving sources with non alphanumeric names
  • KPIs with no value displayed nothing; now they display zero
Image of graphic used to denote press release.