Why Your Contact Center Needs to Collect Feedback on Agents

Agent Feedback Blog CCTR Customer Experience CX

by 2Ring · Jun 24, 2020

Collecting feedback on each agent’s performance after every customer interaction will open new ways for your company and contact center to improve quality, increase revenue and save costs. Customer feedback provides valuable insights not only on agents’ performance but processes as well. Moreover, customers will appreciate the option to give feedback in a fast and effortless way, especially when their request didn’t get resolved, instead of having to call the customer service again.

How agents’ performance impacts your company’s revenue?

Agents are the ones talking to your customers every day and their performance has great impact on your business and brand. It directly affects customer satisfaction as well as customer churn and thus your company’s revenue. The better the agents perform, the more satisfied the customers are and the more money they spend with you. On the other hand, poor agents’ performance leads to less satisfied customers who are more likely to stop using your service or reduce their spending.

Customer Feedback Overview Graphic

How agents’ performance impacts your company’s cost?

Agents’ inefficiency and de-motivation can drive up the cost for your contact center. The combination of different metrics such as FCR (First Call Resolution) and written feedback will help you reveal any hidden issues and fix them, including missed or delayed follow-ups. Moreover, Staffino’s Employee engagement module will supply a daily dose of motivation, recognition and engagement to your agents, helping to boost their performance and lower costly employee turnover.

How can you track and improve your agents’ performance?

Collecting feedback on your agents after every customer interaction is the most effective and efficient way for you to see the whole picture. Supervisors usually don’t have time to listen to every single recording of every team member and therefore don’t gather enough data to uncover all issues. Typically collected data like Average Handling Time are useful but they won’t tell you if the agent was able to resolve a customer’s issue or how satisfied the customer was with the agent’s performance. These gaps in assessing your agents’ performance can be filled by using the right customer feedback solution such as Staffino.

Customer Sentiment Analysis and Feedback on Agents

Results from collected feedback are interpreted and displayed in Staffino’s dashboards immediately. They give every supervisor and manager a real-time overview of each agent’s performance, including their customer satisfaction score and other metrics, such as e.g. FCR rate. It  it is now easier to identify under-performing agents and identify the cause of their low scores. This information allows you to focus training effort on the right people and areas and allocate resources where they’re needed. Conversely, by looking at the top performing agents, you can use their best practices in your future trainings.

Case study

Improving agents’ performance is a quick win as the impact of Staffino can be seen in a short time after its launch and implementation. For example, one of Staffino’s clients, Orange Slovakia, collected enough feedback for each agent already after 2 weeks of running Staffino, and they were able to identify which agents specifically needed more training and in which exact areas.

Customer Satisfaction Analysis Chart

Refocusing training based on customer feedback and also using employee motivation, recognition and engagement will help you boost agents’ performance and improve all the other aspects affected by it.

To learn more about Staffino and the endless ways it can benefit your call center, visit www.2Ring.com/Staffino or click here to schedule a edemo with one of our product experts.

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