Connectors v6.2.x for 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards
2RingCX Dashboards Dashboards & Wallboards PCCE UCCE UCCX Wallboards
Four of our existing connectors for 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards (Cisco UCCX, Cisco UCCE, Cisco Unity, and ServiceNow) have a new version available.
These updates improve overall stability (including high-availability support) and increase the number of available KPIs / metrics. Read below to learn about the details on what has been added to our connectors within a set of previous minor releases (6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3, and 6.2.4):
New to UCCX (Express) Connector
- Agents – Transfer In – a total count of Transfer In calls for agents
- Agents – Transfer Out – a total count of Transfer Out calls for agents
- Calls – Handled with a Wrap-Up Reason for CSQs – the total number of calls handled with a wrap-up code selected
- Chat and Email statistics are now pulled from the Real-time HTTP API:
- Chats – Total – the number of chats routed to a contact service queue
- Chats – In Queue – the number of chats currently waiting in queue
- Chats – Handled – the number of chats routed to a contact service queue that were subsequently handled
- Chats – Abandoned – the number of chats routed to a contact service queue that were subsequently abandoned
- Chats – In Process – the number of chats currently being handled by agents
- Agents – Chat Logged In – the number of agents currently logged in to handle incoming chat sessions
- Agents – Chat Busy – the number of agents currently in the Busy state for chats
- Agents – Chat Available – the number of agents currently in the Partial Busy state for chats (an agent is set to Partial Busy state when the agent has not reached the maximum number of chat sessions that is set by the administrator)
- Agents – Chat Ready – the number of agents currently in the Ready state for chats
- Agents – Chat Not Ready – the number of agents currently in the Not Ready state for chats
- Agents – Chat Reserved – the number of agents currently in the Reserved state for chats
- Emails – Total – the number of emails routed to a contact service queue
- Emails – In Queue – the number of emails currently waiting in queue
- Emails – Handled – the number of emails routed to a contact service queue and subsequently handled
- Emails – Abandoned – the number of emails routed to a contact service queue and subsequently abandoned
- Emails – In Process – the number of emails currently being handled by agents
- Agents – Email Logged In – the number of agents currently logged in for emails
- Agents – Email Busy – the number of agents currently in the Busy state for emails
- Agents – Email Available – the number of agents currently in the Partial Busy state for emails (an agent is set to Partial Busy state when the agent has not reached the maximum number of emails set by the administrator)
- Agents – Email Ready – the number of agents currently in the Ready state for emails
- Agents – Email Not Ready – the number of agents currently in the Not Ready state for emails
- Agents – Email Reserved – the number of agents currently in the Reserved state for emails
- Added new grids:
- Chat Queue Statistics – displays chat contact service queue statistics in a tabular format
- Email Queue Statistics – displays email contact service queue statistics in a tabular format
- Agents Email Statistics – displays agent statistics for emails in a tabular format
- Agents Chat Statistics – displays agent statistics for chats in a tabular format
- Added a new action that allows calculations of historical intervals for past intervals. This allows for showing changes to the ServiceLevel or CallsOffered KPI over period of multiple weeks even for periods before 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards were introduced to the customer’s environment.
- Added new KPIs
- Added new KPIs for CSQs Text Statistics (chat and email channels), including
- Retrieved – the number of CSQ routed emails that have been retrieved by agents
- Requeued – the number of email messages that are requeued to the CSQ
- Sent – the number of email message responses sent by agents in the CSQ
- Discarded – the number of email messages discarded by agents
- AvgOnDesk – the average time agents take to reply after receiving a message
- Calls – WTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current week. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the week to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Dequeued, Dequeued in SL, Handled, Handled in SL, Handled by Another CSQ in SL and Offered
- Calls – MTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current month. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the month to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Dequeued, Dequeued in SL, Handled, Handled in SL, Handled by Another CSQ in SL and Offered
- Calls – YTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current month. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the year to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Dequeued, Dequeued in SL, Handled, Handled in SL, Handled by Another CSQ in SL and Offered
- Added new KPIs for CSQs Text Statistics (chat and email channels), including
- Added new columns to CSQs Text Statistics Grid, including
- Retrieved – the number of CSQ routed emails that have been retrieved by agents
- Requeued – the number of email messages that are requeued to the CSQ
- Sent – the number of email message responses sent by agents in the CSQ
- Discarded – the number of email messages discarded by agents
- AvgOnDesk – the average time agents take to reply after receiving a message
- Added a new advanced parameter ‘EnumerationParametersRefreshRate’ – this is a configuration setting for how often 2Ring requests configuration tables in UCCX (not related to call data)
- Added the option to set a parameter RefreshHistoryInDays for every journal table (improved performance)
- Added new actions to re-generate commands when the UCCX version changes (improved support for UCCX upgrades)
- Bug Fixes
- Improved failover process when multithreading for calculations is enabled
- Improved stability when connection to the SQL Server or to the UCCX system is lost
- CTI and Staffino subsystems stop correctly when connector switches to the slave mode
- KPI Text Retrieved displays correct values
- Text CSQs statistics reflect time zones
- CSQs Grid now displays correct values in the Agents Working column when grouping is enabled
New to UCCE (Packaged UCCE) Connector
- Added a new action that allows calculations of historical intervals for past intervals. This allows for showing changes to the ServiceLevel or CallsOffered KPI over period of multiple weeks even for periods before 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards were introduced to the customer’s environment.
- Added new KPIs
- Calls – WTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current week. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the week to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Answered, Dequeued, Handled, Handled in SL, Manual Dialed Outbound, Offered, Redirect On No Answer, and Total Offered
- Calls – MTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current month. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the month to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Answered, Dequeued, Handled, Handled in SL, Manual Dialed Outbound, Offered, Redirect On No Answer, and Total Offered
- Calls – YTD – this KPI returns a call statistic value for the current month. The time interval used to calculate the value is from the beginning of the year to the current day. The supported metrics are Abandoned, Abandoned in SL, Answered, Dequeued, Handled, Handled in SL, Manual Dialed Outbound, Offered, Redirect On No Answer, and Total Offered
- Calls – Avg Handle Time for Call Types
- Agents – Busy Other – an agent might be talking on an inbound call in one skill group while simultaneously logged on to, and ready to accept calls from, other skill groups. The agent can be active (talking or handling calls) in one skill group at a time. Therefore, while active in one skill group, for the other skill group the agent is considered to be in the Busy Other state
- Added Updates to Grids
- Agent Grid – added many optimizations such as a new logic that decides what we data is needed based on what grid columns are enabled
- Added “AgentsBusyOther” columns to Precision Queues Grid and Skill Groups Grid
- Added grouping option to “PrecisionQueues” grid – this is used to provide totals for multiple precision groups in a single row
- Improved handling of different time zones by Call Types KPIs and Call Types Grid
- Changed Skillgroup filtering logic in KPI Calls – Redirected On No Answer
- Added the option to set a parameter RefreshHistoryInDays for every journal table (improved performance)
- Bug Fixes
- FromClause in dataCollection.Source is correctly regenerated after upgrade
- Connector’s suffix is correctly added to new Sources and Calculations after upgrade
New to ServiceNow Connector
- Added new connector parameters to improve testing of connectivity between ServiceNow and the server where the DW Connector Service is running.
- useScorecards
- useTableAPI
- Added a new grid – TaskList – with the following columns:
- MinutesLeft – how many minutes are remaining until the task should be resolved
- TicketNumber – the task’s ID
- Priority – the task’s priority
- Company – company assigned to the task
- AssignedGroup – group assigned to the task
- LastTouch – the time when the task was last modified
- ShortDescription – short description of the task
- State – state of the task
- DueTime – the time when the task should be resolved
- Added a new KPI
- Multifunctional_ByScorecard – define KPI by a score card name/ID
- Improved paging logic for TableAPI data
New to Cisco Unity (VoiceMail) Connector
- A new column DistributionListAlias has been added to Distribution Lists – Unread Messages Grid
- A new column AgentAlias has been added to Agents – Unread Messages Grid
- Changed filtering value for all KPIs and Grids from DisplayName to Alias
- Custom distribution lists can be now identified by SmtpAddress
- Custom distribution list alias is the matching property between DL and call handler
- Improved performance
Need more info?
A sample layout of 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards is accessible at (no credentials needed), and full access to our public demo environment can be requested here. To receive a list with all the available KPIs/metrics for all of our connectors (UCCX, UCCE, CUCM, Unity, Staffino, Salesforce, and ServiceNow), or to request an upgrade of your system to the latest release, please contact us.
What’s Next?
The next release is going to be a major release, so we will be moving to version 7.0 (expected in January of 2019). This release will move many of the existing configuration options from our configuration tool to the layout viewer, so users will be able to reconfigure layouts directly on the viewing screen!
Feature Requests
All of the features above were added based on feedback received from our customers and/or prospects, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any feature suggestions ( Also, please note that 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards (DW) is available in two of the bundles of 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse (Enhanced and Premium) – remember the best user experience is achieved when 2Ring DW is used in conjunction with 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse. To schedule a live demo, please visit