6 Important Chat Statistics to Measure in your Contact Center #CCTR

2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards CCTR Dashboards Realtime Reporting Wallboards

by 2Ring · Jun 05, 2019

The new generation turned from the traditional voice channel mostly to chat. It’s clear that the younger generation tends to be connected with family or business mostly via some kind of chat platform. For the companies and contact centers, it brings also a new challenge, how to effectively manage chat queues and agents in real time.

So what metrics are important for real-time chat management? First of all, real-time metrics should be primarily important for contact center manager who is able to see and compare voice and chat queues. Based on that they are able to change the queue set for the agents to balance the service level between them.

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  1. Service Level – voice and chat – each channel/queue has a targeted service level. Customer service still more relies on the voice , thus the primary focus is to measure the SL for voice and keep it in green.
  2. Chats in Queue – this metric gives a greater idea of the demand for the live chat channel and helps to give greater insight than just service level alone.
  3. Agents available for chat – if a number of agents are “available” for a fair while, it may be better to ask them to switch the queue to one with greater current demand. This might be possible via self-reskilling for the agent, or could be done by the supervisor by applying the right queue set for the agents with the right skill. The ability to managed blended is of greater importance as we move to an omni channel world.
  4. Chats in Progress – measuring this enables you to better understand and manage agents workload during the day and effectively add/remove agents in the chat queue.
  5. Chat Abandon Rate – this KPI gives you a percentage of customers who abandon the queue before being served. It can be good to measure in real time, as it adds perspective to a declining service level.
  6. Number of Active Concurrent Chats – one real-time live chat metric that contact centers often calculate is number of concurrent charts, thinking that it’s best to ensure that advisors are handling a certain number of chats at any one time.

These are just the basic KPIs that you can use to effectively handle the chat channel within your contact centers. Putting these metrics on a dashboard and measuring them in real time gives you basic overview how the chat channel is performing and gives you the power to quickly change priorities. Visit a product page of 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards or sign up for a free trial.

If you are looking into adding customer facing chat to your Cisco Contact Center, 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse can significantly help your agents handle multiple interactions simultaneously and on top of that, we can help you to say hello to BOTs:

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