2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v7.1
2RingCX Cisco Dashboards PCCE UCCE UCCX Wallboards
2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards v7.1 is here, the first 7.x release enabling all of our existing customers (with valid support coverage) to seamlessly upgrade to this latest release – you can now also open a ticket requesting upgrade here.
7.1 release of 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards goes even further in impowering contact center supervisors (and/or designated power-users) to control what their wallboards look like.
What’s New in 7.1?
- Drag & Drop – using the editor mode, move and resize segments by dragging them in the preview pane.

- Automated Upgrades from 6.x – customers of former DW versions can now be automatically upgraded to the 7.1 release.
- Dropdown Filtering – all dropdowns now support filtering for quicker picking of items. This is an amazing usability improvement especially for larger contact centers.

- Override Theme Properties on Layout and Segment Level – if you are not ok with all of the Theme settings, you can now specifically override the ones you want on the layout level.

- Overlapping Segments – segments can be freely positioned allowing for various creative effects such as:
- Stack items on top of each other.
- Put text elements or images into any other segment.
- Hide full segments from view by positioning them off screen.

- Clear Server Error Messages – error messages generated when an error occurs display more meaningful information to make troubleshooting easier.

- Connectivity Issues Handling – connectivity errors that occur while a layout is being edited, can be resolved by retrying the failed request once the connectivity is restored.
Need More Info? Would you like to Upgrade?
A sample layout of 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards is accessible at www.2Ring.com/TryIt (no credentials needed), and full access to our public demo environment can be requested here. To receive a list with all the available KPIs/metrics for all of our connectors (UCCX, UCCE, CUCM, Unity, Staffino, Salesforce, and ServiceNow), or to request an upgrade of your system to the latest release, please contact us.
What’s Next?
The next release will introduce:
- Parameter Value Inheritance – if a parameter is being used by multiple segments on a layout, the values can be set on the layout level, and all the segments will inherit the value (unless explicitly set to override the layout settings). This should even further simplify layout management and configuration.
- Multi Table Grid – a grid can display results from multiple source tables joined together. This will be used when multiple connectors are used (such as UCCX and Salesforce) and the customer needs to display a combined set of data from these connectors in a single grid. This will also allow us to decouple CCX SQL and CCX CTI connectors so that each can focus on its specific tasks.
Feature Requests
All of the features above were added based on feedback received from our customers and/or prospects, so please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any feature suggestions (https://www.2ring.com/Contact). Also, please note that 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards (DW) is available in two of the bundles of 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse (Enhanced and Premium) – remember the best user experience is achieved when 2Ring DW is used in conjunction with 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse. To schedule a live demo, please visit www.2Ring.com/Demo.