2Ring Compact Agent v3.2.1 – Release Notes

2Ring Gadgets 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Compact Agent Gadgets Release Notes UCCE UCCX

by 2Ring · Aug 02, 2017

2Ring Compact Agent is an alternative agent desktop to Cisco Finesse for all deployments of Cisco Contact Centers (Express, Enterprise, Packaged UCCE). It is built on top of Cisco Finesse API. What’s new in v3.2? 

New Features

  • OUTBOUND_DIRECT_PREVIEW mode support has been added
  • Hebrew localization and Right to left language support has been added

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a sizing issue for small window sizes
  • Fixed error panel hiding
  • If an extension was too long, it did not display correctly in CA header
Image of graphic used to denote press release.