2Ring Compact Agent v2.2 – Release Notes

2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Cisco Finesse Compact Agent New Release Release Notes UCCE UCCX

by 2Ring · Oct 30, 2015

2Ring Compact Agent is an alternative agent desktop to Cisco Finesse for all deployments of Cisco Contact Centers (Express, Enterprise, Packaged UCCE). It is built on top of Cisco Finesse API. What’s new in v2.2? 

New Features

  • Support for UCCX / UCCE / Finesse 11
    • full support for the newest Cisco releases
  • DB Lookup, Direct Transfer, and Direct Conference Actions
    • introducing three new workflow actions
  • Direct Transfer in the UI on UCCX
    • a direct transfer button / feature is now available in the UI for customers using 2Ring COMPACT AGENT with UCCX – Express
  • Hide Call Type and Participant Lists
    • a configuration option to simplify the UI even more

Bug Fixes

  • Showing Dialed Number
    • the dialed number is shown even if the called party is not logged into the contact center
Showing Dialed Number
Image of graphic used to denote press release.