2Ring Compact Agent v1.4 – Release Notes

2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse Cisco Finesse Compact Agent Release Notes UCCE UCCX

by 2Ring · Aug 19, 2014

What’s new in 2Ring Compact Agent v1.4?

New Features

  • Hosting a layout from 2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards (DW) or any other web application on top of the COMPACT AGENT window. Please note that this hosted application has to support iFrames.
Dashboards & Wallboards Layout hosted in Compact Agent window
  • Delivering automation via a new workflow engine. This engine reacts to these events: 1) new call has arrived, 2) call data was updated, 3) call has ended, and 4) a message from an external component has been received; and in this initial release, the engine is able to perform the following two actions: 1) make a new call and 2) post a message to the app it is hosted by.
Image of graphic used to denote press release.