2Ring Phone Services (IPPS) v7.6.4 is available as of today. To learn more, schedule a live demo over Cisco WebEx.
New Features
- IPPS users can be created manually – it is now possible to create users manually (on top of integration with MS AD). This is useful mainly for deployments where IPPS is integrated into the 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse.

- Improved performance of IPPS reports.
- ECC logs can now be turned off.
- Surname (last name) is no longer required to create a contact.
- Character limit for custom contact fields (Custom1, Custom2, etc.) has been increased to 4000.
- Contacts page session in anonymous mode will no longer timeout.
- Rendered CLID can now display Ignore button to mute the incoming call and close the CLID window.

- SpeedDial buttons now have configurable width.
- SpeedDial actions are now configurable per category basis.

- SpeedDial page now supports French language.

- Added support for 2Ring Gadgets for Cisco Finesse 4.3.0.
Bug Fixes
- Contacts in the Conference List of a SpeedDial page can be properly removed.
- Brackets should no longer be added to numbers when created with an empty area code.
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