2Ring Dashboards & Wallboards – The Fall 23 Release
Amazon Connect Cloud CXone Five9 Genesys Cloud New Release Release Notes ServiceNow Webex CC

Sacramento, CA – Please note that Fall 23 features will be first available to brand new tenants, and towards the end of Q1/2024 existing tenants/subscribers will have these new features available as well. Watch a brief overview video below highlighting the latest features introduced in this new release.
New and Simplified Log in Experiences & User Management
- Azure Entra ID (formerly known as Azure AD) SSO: import users from Azure Entra ID and authenticate users using their own Entra ID identities. Learn more here.
- Okta SSO: import users from an Okta Org and utilize users Okta identities for authentication. Learn more here.

- Device Login – QR Code (see above): navigating the TV’s web browser can be cumbersome, and thus a new log in experience addresses this by letting users sign in on a device/screen by scanning a QR code or entering a short unique code. With this login method, the logged in user is only granted permission to view layouts. Learn more here.
- Simplified ‘Share Layout’ Experience: each layout contains a Short URL, and anonymous access can be allowed (when navigating to such Layout; no login is required). If allowed, it is highly recommended that access to layout and content viewing and management is restricted by whitelisting only specific IP addresses. Learn more about IP Filters here. Access can be restricted per Business Unit and separately to three different application areas –

Native Support for Social Media Feeds
- Social Feeds: Native integration with Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) allows users to display Facebook pages (learn more here) and X feeds (learn more here) directly within their Dashboards & Wallboards layouts.

Interactive Grids, Layouts, and List of Layouts
The Layout editor is a powerful tool for building and adjusting layouts’ settings. However, a pain point has been the inability to ad-hoc sort or filter data on a live layout without permanently updating it in the editor. This limitation made it challenging for supervisors to quickly sort by columns or locate specific agents within extensive lists. To address this:
- Real-time interactive sorting and filtering provides users with a more efficient and user-friendly experience. Not to mention that applied filters retain between sessions (for the current user) until cleared – see these new options in this short video.
- Crosslinking segments to different layouts enabling drilldowns enables for the creation of 10,000 feet overview layouts – e.g., showing the number of agents in each state per queue or team, and if needed, a single click can take your user to a layout with a detailed list of all agents currently in that given state. Of course, users can use the back icon/button in their favorite browser to return to the 10,000 feet overview since we know that is what users prefer to go to first. Watch a brief demo here.
On top of that, even the list of layouts is now more interactive. Hovering your cursor over the layout’s name displays a Live Layout Preview with current and continuously updating values – these previews appear instantly and simplify the choice of the layout to view / display or to have a quick peek at current state without having to fully open a layout.
Add Ad-Hoc Data/Info to Grids
Contact Center supervisors have always dreamed about amending grid data with basic information – e.g., show a target for agent, team, queue, or add a column to a list of agents showing brief note next to agent’s name (e.g. about the reason of agent’s absence). To make this happen, supervisors (BU admins) are now able to upload custom tables from CSV files for use in their BU layouts. Of course, this data is not only displayed, but it can be used in calculations as well. If you set a target, the updated target value is then going to be used in related calculations. These data imports are incredibly simple and straightforward. All you need to do is download the file, open it in a spreadsheet application, make your desired updates, save the changes, and finally, upload the file back. It is a hassle-free process that ensures seamless data management. Watch an update of personal targets for agents in a short video here.
Personalized Layouts
Creating personalized layouts has been simplified through the utilization of enhanced user attributes that have been restructured to incorporate grid calculation data. In short, you can design a layout where each user can access the same link but view only their respective data. Below is a short video showing the same layout accessed by two different users and an administrator who doesn’t have any contact center data. Watch a short overview video here.
While editing a dynamically filtered (usually Personal) layout (like the one above), the layout creator can now test how the layout would appear for a specific user:
Sliding Intervals
Timeline Charts now support sliding intervals as one of the options for the period selection (e.g., last 8 hours, 3 weeks, or 2 months). For example, you can now maximize space utilization by displaying only the most recent 7 days of data, eliminating the need to allocate valuable space for a two-week period (including this week and last week). The same is possible for any of the interval types (15min, 30min, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year).

Layout Editing and Management Enhancements
With the goal of improving the ease of managing and editing layouts, multiple usability improvements for layout creators are now available:
Previously, if you started making modifications to your layout without creating a prior copy and could not complete the changes in time, you faced a dilemma. You either had to discard all your progress or publish your unfinished work, pushing it to your users. Now, you have two options to resolve this situation:
Save layout draft – Layouts can be saved without publishing. Work can be resumed later: | Publish As – Layout can be published to a new copy in its current state without changing the original: |

- Adding (or removing) a “total row” to your grid is now as easy as toggling a radio button:
Now, you can manage images, audio files, and PDFs directly in the main layout list of the Business Units. Previously, this functionality was only accessible within the layout editor interface when adding an image to the layout.
Honorable Mentions of Remaining Enhancements
- Error popups can now be dismissed by users viewing a layout.
- The Layout List now accommodates a greater number of layouts due to the use of a smaller font size.
- New segment types to accommodate even the boldest visions and vector graphic designs that include rectangle, ellipse, or triangle shapes.
- Font styles, border styles, and line styles can now be copied to the clipboard and be pasted in other segments or layouts.
- When configuring conditional styles, it is now possible to add test values for KPIs and Pie Chart Segments. This allows for the style rules to be assessed without having to wait for live data from the connector to meet the configured condition.
- Custom CSS properties can now be defined for text elements.
- The KPI Calendar segment has been enhanced to utilize the same data presentation capabilities as KPIs for the represented days. This means that it now includes all the visual styling features of KPIs, such as presentation types and conditional styles.
- Audit logging added – login events and all security related changes to the system are now recorded.
- Segment default settings, formerly known as Inheritable Settings, have now been moved into Themes. Themes allow users to easily change the entire look and feel of each layout. On top of that, it is now possible to create multiple themes for each business unit, export/import themes as needed, and to modify or create themes directly from the layout editor.
- A new theme that aligns with the visual elements of Webex Contact Center is now available for use. This simplifies the process of embedding any layout into the Webex CC agent or supervisor desktop, ensuring seamless integration. Additional platform specific themes (for Five9, CXone, Genesys, …) will be introduced in the future, so stay tuned.
- When copying a layout from one business unit (BU) to another, including a “shared BU,” parameter groups will now be carried over as well. This eliminates the need to manually recreate these groupings in the admin tool for each BU where the layout with parameter groups is copied.
- Now you can specify a Support Contact Point that will be displayed if an error occurs, providing users with the necessary information on who to contact for assistance. Additionally, error messages have been enhanced to be user-friendly and will not overwrite your content or values in the event of issues such as obsolete data, connector failures, outages, and more.
- A non-admin user now can have access (view only) to multiple assigned BUs. We are positive that this is going to make life easier for a lot of users out there.