2Ring Call Accounting v5.0 – Release Notes

Call Accounting CallManager CUCM Release Notes

by 2Ring · Apr 18, 2017

2Ring Call Accounting v5.0 adds reporting for CUCM (Cisco Unified Communications Manager) hunt groups.

New Features

  • Improved Reporting Performance
    • Built-in reports now load faster than in the past.
  • Rewrote Report Scheduler
    • The new scheduled does not use PHP anymore.
  • Added an Improved License Check
    • The actual licensing does not change, and the solution is still licensed by the number of extensions registered in CUCM.
  • Added Three Brand New Hunt Group Reports:

Call List Report

Call List Report

Summary by Called Number

Summary Chart by Called Number

Summary by Pilot Number

Summary by Pilot Number
Image of graphic used to denote press release.